Feb 2016
15 Mon
16 Tue
17 Wed
18 Thu
19 Fri 09:00 AM – 09:25 AM IST
20 Sat 09:00 AM – 09:25 AM IST
21 Sun
pooja ugrani
Submitted Jan 11, 2016
let’s create,
sit down (or run around, we aren’t too keen on decorum)
let paper do all the talking.
let’s touch more than a screen
watch how our bodies react to paper
and find new expressions!
To nurture the practice of using one’s own hands to create.
The kaantha stitch, pottery, wooden toys, madhubani, patwa & warli painting, basket weaving, bandhani, lac, leather work, rangoli- all bound by a common thread; these crafts use the human hands to create. The art thus created is unique and holds within it a story of its creator.
Origami, the art of folding paper, that originated in Japan is practiced world over today and gives millions a fantastic tactile experience. The thrill of creating something with one’s own hands is satisfying and peace giving. How this creation then takes over into a collective and social celebration is something that we explore with this session.
Ori-Ga-Me (the session) is imagined to be a series of hands-on activites that tries to bring to every participant the importance and necessity of bringing in the human touch in our daily lives, punctuated with a talk that narrates the journey of the speaker and her explorations with the art of folding.
loads of enthusiasm, music, plain paper, newspaper, glue, colourful thread, marker pens, light bulbs.
Pooja Ugrani is an architect by education and practice, a teacher by profession, a poet by whim and an artist by choice. Her brain child, Sound of Paper provides services in origami - be it decor embellishments, gift collectibles, paper jewellery or teaching the art to others. She continues to explore patterns and tessellations in space, be it in origami or architecture.
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