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Mar 2023
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Fenil Jain
Submitted Mar 1, 2023
One of the most important parts of a developer’s workflow is shell. We spend a lot of time interacting with it. People even say mastering it would help one grow into a much better power user. So what better way to learn about it than implementing one? And that is how I ended up nerdsniping (mandatory xkcd ref: ) myself into implementing Dead Simple Shell ( DSS ) xD
Here I am to help you understand how does shell work under the hood and what are my learnings while implementing one in Rust :)
You can find shell’s code here:
Hunlo! I am Fenil Jain, currently an SDE at Dyte, where I work on livestreaming technologies. When I am not hacking on HLS, I am a compiler + Rust nerd. I can be found either making some cool project in Rust, contributing to Rust tooling like rust-analyzer, rust-clippy or reading about type theories xD
You can find me on different platforms:
Mar 2023
6 Mon
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9 Thu
10 Fri
11 Sat 11:00 AM – 01:30 PM IST
12 Sun
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