Continuous Reliability - CFP

Continuous Reliability - CFP

Expert Talks on all things DevOps & SRE



From Nginx to EnvoyProxy: A Journey of Edge Proxy Migration with Istio

Submitted Jan 29, 2024

Nginx is a popular choice for edge proxy traffic, but it has some limitations such as lack of http2 support and service discovery for upstream backends. This talk will share the experience of migrating from Nginx to EnvoyProxy, an open source load balancer that offers more features and flexibility for modern cloud applications. It will also explain how Istio, a service mesh platform, was leveraged to manage EnvoyProxy configuration and provide additional benefits such as traffic routing, security, and observability. The talk will discuss the motivation, architecture, design, and best practices of the migration process, as well as the challenges and lessons learned along the way.

About Speaker:
Ajay is a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with 4+ years of experience in maintaining and automating scalable microservice infrastructure. Currently, he is working with an SRE team at, managing the digital ad traffic infrastructure. He is knowledgeable in adopting and scaling CNCF opensource projects within his organization and has been actively involved in projects such as Argocd, OpenTelemetry, and Istio.

Who should attend:
This talk is useful for developers, operators, and architects who are interested in learning about the benefits and challenges of migrating from Nginx to EnvoyProxy as an edge proxy solution. It is also useful for those who want to understand how Istio can help manage EnvoyProxy configuration and provide additional features such as service discovery, traffic routing, security, and observability.


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