Faster, Better, Cheaper - Together

Faster, Better, Cheaper - Together

Reflections on the craft and science of managing software projects

Why Project Management matters

While companies rightly spend a lot of time thinking about their business goals and technology choices, they often ignore how best to combine them effectively into a successful software delivery operation. We can all recount being in a software project that failed despite having good ideas and technology choices behind it, leaving everyone miserable in its aftermath: “Is it the team’s fault?.. But didn’t we hire the best? What could have gone wrong?” Join us in this series as we explore such questions and more...

The current schedule of talks

5. Mar 1, Friday: Measuring engineering productivity: Old pitfalls and new approaches - by Sudheer Bandaru
4. Feb 1, Thu: Exploring connections between queueing theory and project management, by Harsha Honnappa
3. Dec 21, Thu: When Quality Matters: Transcending resource barriers during software delivery - by Deepti Agrawal
2. Nov 29, Wed: Software Delivery: Prioritizing and optimizing for impact - by Gaurav Lochan
1. Nov 3, Friday: A bird’s eye view of software project management - a conversation with Ranjan Sakalley

What is the tech community saying about software projects these days?

Below is a selective snapshot of some major recent community conversations regarding how software projects are being run:

Who should participate; who should attend

  • Software Developers: Participate to stay aware of current and future trends in how software projects are run
  • Tech leads and Engineering Managers: You should find this series extremely relevant. You are the current and future practitioners of all these skills.
  • VPs of Engineering or CEOs who are new to their role: Learn from experienced people how they run projects, and also their thoughts about what may/may not work in a context, rather than adopting practices blindly.

About the curators

Pramod Biligiri is founder and CEO at Bitken Technologies. He works as a consultant for data engineering and data infrastructure related projects.

Mayankk Banerjee is a veteran CTO who has led Technology, Operations and Data science teams for global organizations like HelloFresh, Delhivery, Yahoo and Tally. He now spends his time being a fractional-Cxo at OldMonks,tinkering with code and coaching young engineering leaders and founders towards their next level of growth.


This project consists of a series of talks. View the schedule here. If you wish to speak on this forum, leave a comment.
The talks will be held offline and online. RSVP to stay updated.

Membership support

This series of talks is made possible by contributions from Rootconf members. You can support similar activities by picking up a membership here.

Contact information

Join the Rootconf Telegram group at or follow @rootconf on Twitter.
For inquiries, contact Rootconf at +91-7676332020.

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Pramod Biligiri

Pramod Biligiri


Mayankk Banerjee


Curated by our speakers: Further reading and viewing

Submitted Nov 4, 2023

As part of this series, we are sourcing further resources about project management from each of our speakers. You can find them below:

Recommended by Deepti Agrawal
Her talk: When Quality Matters: Transcending resource barriers during software delivery, Dec 21, 2023

  1. Martin Fowler’s blog has related articles:

Recommended by Gaurav Lochan
His talk: Software delivery: Prioritizing and optimizing for impact, Nov 29, 2023

  1. Understand, Identify, Execute - by Naomi Gleit, Head of Product at Meta.
  2. How do you set metrics? - by Julie Zhuo, former Product Design VP at Facebook
  3. Defining Product Success: Metrics and Goals - by Sequoia Capital’s Data Science team
  4. Growth for Startups - lecture by Alex Schultz at Y Combinator
  5. Measure What Matters, book by John Doerr

Recommended by Ranjan Sakalley
His talk: A bird’s eye view of software project management, Nov 3, 2023

  1. Principles of Product Development Flow by Donald Reinertsen
    To understand why queues, slack and in general value stream mapping is important for product delivery

  2. The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization (and the fieldbook)
    You just need to read the 11 laws of The Fifth Discipline and you may understand why I recommend:

    1. Today’s problems come from yesterday’s “solutions.”
    2. The harder you push, the harder the system pushes back.
    3. Behavior grows better before it grows worse.
    4. The easy way out usually leads back in.
    5. The cure can be worse than the disease.
    6. Faster is slower.
    7. Cause and effect are not closely related in time and space.
    8. Small changes can produce big results...but the areas of highest leverage are often the least obvious
    9. You can have your cake and eat it too ---but not all at once.
    10. Dividing an elephant in half does not produce two small elephants.
    11. There is no blame.


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