
Accepting submissions till 31 Dec 2020, 01:20 PM

Not accepting submissions

Share how you set up your home network - lessons learned and fingers burnt. You can also speak about networking gear, what you have additionally discovered/done for monitoring your home networking set-up - and what you think the community will benefit by knowing/learning. expand

Share how you set up your home network - lessons learned and fingers burnt.

You can also speak about networking gear, what you have additionally discovered/done for monitoring your home networking set-up - and what you think the community will benefit by knowing/learning.

Go ahead!

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Accepting submissions till 31 Dec 2020, 01:20 PM

Karan Sharma

Monitoring my home ISP network

In this session, I’ll show my network monitoring dashboard which involves monitoring using ICMP probes to measure latencies to various upstreams. Network monitoring comes handy if you want to troubleshoot problems with your local router or ISP routing issues. more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 22 Sep 2020
Session type: Monitoring home networks

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