Rootconf Delhi edition

Rootconf Delhi edition

On network engineering, infrastructure automation and DevOps



Sugu Sougoumarane


Vitess: Stateless Storage in the Cloud

Submitted Dec 19, 2019

When Vitess was migrated to run from bare-metal into Google’s cloud, it was deployed as a regular stateless application. This meant that a process reschedule resulted in all the local data being wiped.

The property of Vitess to survive in such an unforgiving environment made it naturally suited to run on Kubernetes.

How did Vitess manage to run on such an environment without losing data, and providing High Availability, Scale and Performance? How are other organizations running Vitess?

This session will answer these questions, as well as go into the design principles that prepared Vitess to be cloud-native.


  • Cover what is Vitess
  • Who are the adopters and what do they have to say about it
  • Cover the historical reason why Vitess became cloud-native
  • Explain the term “Stateless Storage”
  • What will happen if you try to run vanilla mysql on kubernetes
  • Cover the Vitess architecture and how it addresses those problems
  • Finish with a demo that shows the kinds of things we can do with vitess

Speaker bio

Sugu is the co-creator of Vitess, and has been working on it since 2010. Prior to Vitess, Sugu worked on scalability at YouTube and was also part of PayPal in the early days. His recent interest is in distributed systems and consensus algorithms. He occasionally shares his thoughts on his blog


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