Sep 2019
16 Mon
17 Tue
18 Wed
19 Thu
20 Fri
21 Sat 08:55 AM – 06:20 PM IST
22 Sun
Huzaifa Sidhpurwala
Submitted Mar 10, 2019
SSL/TLS is probably the most widely used security protocol on the internet. Since heartbleed was discovered a few years back, this protocol has been constantly audited and evaluated by security researchers around the world. TLS 1.3 is the latest version of the protcol designed from ground up to be more secure than its previous versions. This talk discusses new features and security improvements in TLS 1.3.
We will talk about what SSL/TLS is, why it is important for the internet. Then take a brief look at few of the security flaws in the protocol over the years. The finally look at security and performance improvements in TLS 1.3. Lastly why should this affect you as a systems engineer, system administrator, developer or even as a normal user.
Basic understanding of how protocols work, basic understanding of cryptography.
I work as a Principal Product Security Engineer with Red Hat. I have been involved with high impact security flaws specially related to SSL/TLS over the last 10 years. I am a part of various upstream security teams and a contributor to Fedora security team.
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Anwesha Das
The deadline for submitting your revised slides was 30th August. I haven’t received an update on your revised slides. Since the conference is drawing near, 4 September is the hard stop for your revised slides. It is crucial that you submit your revised slides on time. There are a lot of steps to be carried out after the submission of the revised slides.
I hope you understand the time crunch. Look forward to your cooperation.
Anwesha Das
TLS 1.3 security and performance improvemnets explained
Security and performance improvements in TLS 1.3 and the changes made in TSL 1.3 descibed in these blogposts. The blogpost is devided into two parts - Part 1 and Part -2.
Come and join us in Rootconf Pune on 21st of September to further the discussion on the topic.
Zainab Bawa
@zainabbawa Editor & Promoter
Thanks for a wonderful rehearsal this morning, Huzaifa. Adding feedback here:
Anwesha Das
Please submit the the slides and a preview video, latest by 21st March, 2019, it will help us to evaluate and close the proposal.
Anwesha Das
Hi, thank you for submitting the talk. Can you please upload the slides and a preview video, it helps us to evaluate the talk.