Rootconf 2017

On service reliability

Azhar Hussain


'Razor' sharp provisioning for baremetal servers

Submitted Jan 25, 2017

The objective of this talk is to introduce Razor as a tool for provisioning baremetal servers. Covering the basic components and evaluating the pros and cons of a Razor based provisioning system.


  • Introduction to Baremetal Provisioning [10 mins]

    • IPMI
    • PXE
    • cobbler
  • Razor setup and install [5 mins]

    • Razor server
    • Razor client
  • Razor functioning and Deep Dive [15 mins]

    • Microkernel
    • Rule based deployment
    • Automated install flows with tags
    • Post provisioners (Puppet/Ansible)
  • Endurance User stories [5 mins]

    • Where and How razor is being used in production
  • Q&A [5 mins]

Speaker bio

Azhar Hussain is a member of the cloud team at Endurance International Group - responsible for design and engineering of various hosting solutions on top of OpenStack infrastructure as well as baremetal servers.



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