Rootconf 2017

On service reliability

Vishal Biyani


Deploying serverless platforms on Kubernetes

Submitted Feb 12, 2017

The talk will demo running serverless (Function as a service) style frameworks on top of Kubernetes. I will compare Funktion from Fabric8, Iron Functions and Fission from Platform9; each framework comes with it’s strength & weaknesses like connectors or maturity of deployment. I will evaluate and demo these frameworks from POV of 1) Built in triggers 2) Cold start capability 3) Runtime availability 4) Ease of use: deployment and operations 5) Additional features such as API gateway etc. I will demonstrate two distinct use with different latency requirements.


00-10: Introduction to Serverless/Function as a Service - needs, use cases & commercial/open source landscape
10-24: Walkthrough of features of the three frameworks, pros & cons and usability impressions
24-30: Install the frameworks on Kubernetes cluster (+Demo)
30-40: Deploy sample applications on all 3 platforms (+Demo)

Speaker bio

Vishal brings his experience as an engineer who has worked across the whole lifecycle of software development together to bring holistic view of systems and obsessive focus on reducing waste while delivering value. Vishal has worked with Fortune 500 enterprises as well as medium scale startups to bring best of technology & business together. In his current role Vishal is heading technology at InfraCloud - a programmable infrastructure company.



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