Rootconf 2017

On service reliability

Rajvel MP


Architecting resilient orchestration of micro-services for cloud infrastructure management

Submitted Jan 29, 2017

Cloud infrastructure is not a single entity nor can it be a monolithic service. Customers have different needs, each ones demand and style of use is different, the use cases are only growing. How can we design solutions that caters this wide gamut of users. How can we arrange the cogs so that end user feels that they have the control and doesn’t feel alienated to the infrastructure they ‘virtually’ own.


I’ll take a real world example/ use-case and see how to go about it

This talk will cover the following

  1. A quick intro of IaaS and the components involved at a high level
  2. How to build a orchestration engine that is scalable, maintenable and extendendable
  3. what are the failure scenarios and how can we handle them
  4. How can we build a system that will be agnostic and adaptable to new challenges
  5. Performance measure using metrics
  6. How to self heal

Speaker bio

I have architechted and designed a resilient solution for a IaaS. I’d like to share the lessons that were learnt the hard way



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