Rootconf 2017

On service reliability

Pooja Shah


A little bot for big cause

Submitted Jan 21, 2017

Its Release Day and the code started breaking all of a sudden, tested features not working anymore, its going to take time to figure out whom to reach & people start passing the buck?
Experienced such stormy sail on your release day?

Amidst all this, losing time for release deployment as the traffic on your product is peaking up or exceeding the deadline promised to the clients. Manual monitoring wasn’t a solution as it isn’t scalable ?

Yes, in fast paced organisations like us, it is a burning problem. And we really wanted a system in the dev phase itself that which can bring agility within the teams by having everything & everyone know that what’s there in the black box. Do you also feel the same?

  • Already nodding your head in agreement ? Many times somewhere deep down, did you feel like escaping from the heated discussion or wished there were snapshots of all the important events which could give you the clues/traceback to hunt & chuck the wrong commits out of the system and move ahead. Or even better some software which you could just hook to your system which would never let us reach such a chaotic state itself by blocking/notifying any wrong doings.
  • Or are you someone just starting off your company and do not want to go through the same challenges we went through & help your developers focus only on building the awesome stuff which you wanted to
  • Or are you among those telling yourself “we already solved it”.
    As a tech geek, are you excited to explore a different way as to how we are solving it?

Would you believe if I say “a bot can help in solving such problems of communication between humans”. That too using the same tools we use daily, eager to see how?

Come let’s talk and take a sneak peek at how we are dealing with these at MoEngage Inc. And yes, get to start using the solution open-sourced in almost no time.
In this crisp talk, we will discuss about unleashing the power of Github, Slack and some awesome open-source technologies to create a code monitoring and talking bot which can keep everyone in a team, up to date and be a helper in need.
~ A little attempt towards making healthier work culture and keeping the smart brains happier :-)


The talk is about a bot which can help your team “preventing last moment panic moments” by:

  • monitoring/reminding/blocking/alerting teams/individuals to maintain code hygiene
  • enabling every member in team to get any info about the system @ any time
  • enabling saving some brains whose most of the work time goes in answering same questions about the system
  • having a trustworthy 24x7 code monitoring system from dev to release phase which can prevent & alert for any unhealthy action for the code

Detailed breakup:

  1. problem analysis & origin of the bot - 10 min
  2. The bot at your service - 13 min
    • with a live demo, we will discover, how we got our first bot live and then what more handy features it brought @ work, that its like a team member now.
  3. The exponential future possibilities - 2 min
  4. Questions & Answers - 5 min

Speaker bio

Pooja is an automation nerd and open source enthusiast. She loves brainstorming and implementing crazy ideas to figure out ways to improve the product quality. Having a blend of dev, qa & devops mindset, she strives to bridge the gaps between all the teams to attain the best results.
Driven by curiosity to learn & share new things everyday, She pen them, few glimpses can be found here:



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