Rootconf 2016

Rootconf is India's principal conference where systems and operations engineers share real world knowledge about building resilient and scalable systems.

Srihari Sriraman


Of the building of a Postgres cluster

Submitted Jan 17, 2016

Learn about the problems we will encounter while building or using postgres clusters for high availability, and how to solve them.


What this talk is about

We engineered a Postgres database cluster last year. It was a lot of learning and a lot of fun! This talk is about the failure scenarios we designed for, the times when the designed system failed, and what we learnt from them.

A brief introduction to the talk:

  • Database clusters are built for one purpose – dealing with
    failure. Thinking about what can go wrong, designing for failure
    scenarios, and building multiple lines of defence was most of the
    work involved.

  • Building, instrumenting, monitoring and automating the setup of a
    database cluster isn’t easy. It involves many moving parts, each of
    which is subject to a certain amount of failure. We had to do this
    ourselves because there isn’t an existing solution out there.

  • Obviously, we ran into issues: The failover wasn’t quick enough,
    there were network issues, we had multiple masters, we had to
    recover from filesystem snapshots, wait days for standbys to catch
    up, etc. Each of these circumstances helped us understand and refine
    our cluster setup.

As an aside

  • Given the theme “learning from failure”, and given database systems
    is the first category mentioned, it feels like this talk would fit
    hand in glove.

Skeleton of the talk:

  1. Introduction to Postgres clusters
    • Introduce the cluster setup, it’s purpose, how it is expected to
      work, and the moving parts in the system.
    • [5 minutes]
  2. Postgres replication
    • Briefly explain “streaming replication”, then explain what can go
      wrong here. Hardware constraints, WAL config, long running
      queries on standbys, and timeouts. This will broadly cover the
      cases invovling two databases.
    • [10 minutes]
  3. Failover setup
    • Briefly explain what repmgr does, then explain what can go
      wrong. Multiple masters, no masters, automatic failover doesn’t
      work, node isn’t reachable, node is partially reachable,
      etc. This will cover the cases invovling at least 3 databases.
    • [10 minutes]
  4. Application <=> Database communication
    • Explain what can go wrong here, and then the Push/Pull mechanisms
      we built to deal with it.
    • [5 minutes]
  5. Disaster scenarios
    • What to do when the cluster is down, what to do to save your
      data, which backup/restore mechanism will work best for you, how
      to use filesystem backups, when not to rely on them.
    • [10 minutes]

Speaker bio

Srihari is a FOSS enthusiast. He has contributed to Gimp, Eclipse, Diaspora and is excited about opportunities to give back. Over the last couple of years, he has worked on building an experimentation platform, delving into a particularly dense domain, meeting tight latency SLAs, and engineering assembly lines in software using Clojure.

He loves postgres – he has worked on implementing a high availability solution using repmgr and postgres’ streaming replication, and has spent an inordinate amount of time optimizing queries.

He is a partner at nilenso, a hippie tree hugging bicycle riding software cooperative based in Bangalore. He blogs, plays basketball, and performs carnatic music occasionally.



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