Rootconf 2016

Rootconf is India's principal conference where systems and operations engineers share real world knowledge about building resilient and scalable systems.

Ratnadeep Debnath


Nulecule - Packaging multi container applications for the cloud

Submitted Feb 24, 2016

  • Highlight shortcomings of the current way to ship containers
  • Thinking about a standard way to ship containers
  • Introduce Nulecule, a spec to package multi container applications
  • Introduce atomicapp, a reference implementation of Nulecule spec
  • Demo atomicapp to deploy multi container applications on different providers like: openshift, kubernetes, marathon, etc


Currently there is no standard mechanism for creating, distributing and deploying applications on containers. Applications that need orchestration for multiple containers and hosts require hand-crafted customization that is difficult to replicate and manage, not to mention time-consuming. Nulecule is a specification for defining the packaged contents, including metadata, dependencies and orchestration providers, of container-based applications. Atomic App is the reference implementation of Nulecule that provides an easy method for packaging, distributing and running applications.

Speaker bio

Ratnadeep Debnath AKA rtnpro is an Open Source contributor, for fun. During the day, he works as a container tools engineer at Redhat, as an upstream developer of atomicapp. In the darkness of the night, he contributes to the Fedoraproject or works on his project, Waartaa. He is a Pythonista and a full stack web developer, rethinking on how to write better micro services.


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