Rootconf 2016

Rootconf is India's principal conference where systems and operations engineers share real world knowledge about building resilient and scalable systems.

Saprative Jana

Saprative Jana


Hackathon Nightmares

Submitted Feb 1, 2016

Disussing the problem that I faced in making webservices go live in a hackathon and the workflows I adopted to push apps to the server really fast. I mean really really really fast !!!!!!


Have you ever been to a hackathon and if yes then tell me a truth , how much time have you wasted in making a webapp go live. I don’t know about you but I have wasted a lot of time in hackathon doing devops jobs rather than coding. Moreover if the hackathon is platform specific like Blumix or Azure and if you are not accustomed with the platform then most pobably you will waste at least 2 to 3 hours of you time writing config files and googling out stuffs. If you have ever faced this kind of problem then this talk is something that you sould defintely look at.

What I will talking in this session ?

My talk will be divided into 4 small parts

  1. Hackathon Daries: Here I will talk about various problems that I faced in different hackathon while making the webservice go live and talk about mistakes that I made in various hackathon due to which I lost them how I tackled similar probler in hackathons after that (For example in a Blumemix hackathon we had a issue with the mongodb database or in a hackathon in Rachi how due a a silly mistake in a config file we were not able to make our webapp online. Now this might not seem as an issue for advanced dev but for a beginer in a hackathon when your adrenaline is at its peak these are the mistakes that you trend to do.).
  2. Fasten devops task: If you are doing a devops job in hackathon then trust me you are never going to win. So here I will tell you how to minimise your devops jobs to almost zero and concentrate on coding. I will taking you though a tour of various Paas platfrom and telling you how to manage your webservice in hackathon.
  3. Mananging small free webservices: After the hackathon is over most porobly you would like your webservice to stay live show that you can show them to your friends. But again however small your webservice or backend is you need to manage them but preferably for free (Who wants to waste money anyway). Moreover I will be talking a little bit about managaing small fest websites or similar kind of sites that sometime face a lot of sudden spikes.
  4. Scaling hackathon apps: Now when you see that friends are really liking the product that you made on a weekend then most probabay you would want to scale and migrate to different platform. I am also going to give some basic insides about what things you sould keep in your mind when you want to your weekend project to scale. I well also share with you some problems that I faced while migrating them to a different platform in order to scale.

Platform I will taking about?

I will be talking mostly about Paas Platforms about on the scaling and migration section I will be talking a little bit about Iaas platform(AWS only).

  1. Heroku
  2. Opensift
  3. Azure
  4. Bluemix
  5. AWS

Frameworks and tools I will using for example?

I will going though some of the most popular backend combination that are used in hackathon like MEAN stack, Django with mysql, ROR , Php with mysql database and explain various automating tecniques and tools that you can use while hosting and managing these framework.

What to expect form the talk?

The session is moslty focsed towards college students and wanabe devops. It going to teach you how to manage small webservices for free in hackathon or how to manage college fest website or things like that.

What you should not expect?

If you are are pro devops then pobably this session is not for you. Don’t expect me talk about zookeeper or kafka or advanced spam filtering techinques cause no one uses these in project in such nascent stage. I am basically going to talk about some of the problem that I faced while managing small hackathon pojects or college fest sites and share my college level backend managing exprience.


Nothing as such. But if you what tend to forget almost everything then most probably you need a note app.

Speaker bio

I am a nodejs, python developer, tor contributer and a vim freak and yes occationally a 4th year student. But for this talk I am a Hackathon expert !! (Ok not an expert but yes I have been into many hackathon since I was in my 1st year.) I have won different kind of hackathon starting from platform dependent hackathon like IBM Bluemix to different flavoured hackathon link Hackforhire.



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