May 2015
11 Mon
12 Tue
13 Wed
14 Thu
15 Fri 08:15 AM – 05:30 PM IST
16 Sat 08:15 AM – 05:15 PM IST
17 Sun
May 2015
11 Mon
12 Tue
13 Wed
14 Thu
15 Fri 08:15 AM – 05:30 PM IST
16 Sat 08:15 AM – 05:15 PM IST
17 Sun
To demonstrate and understand the various components of Project Atomic
The talk will focus on introduction to Project Atomic and why we need it. I will explore various components of Project Atomic like OSTree and Cockpit and talk about how they make running Linux containers using Docker easy. I will also demonstrate scaling and recovery using Google’s Kubernetes project which is a part of Project Atomic.
Some experience with running Docker conatiners is plus.
I am Aditya Patawari, currently working as Lead of Systems Engineering at I play around with Enterprise Linux, Ansible, Puppet, Nagios, Python, Cloud (AWS and OpenStack) both as a part of my work and out of interest.
I have been a speaker at FUDCon, NELF, GNUnify, Rootconf, Flock, FOSSAsia and have delivered talks on Puppet, Ansible, Project Atomic, Git, infrastructure scalability and various other topics.
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