Rootconf 2015

DevOps and scaling infrastructure

Aditya Patawari

Aditya Patawari


Running your containers in a sane environment, Project Atomic

Submitted Mar 21, 2015

To demonstrate and understand the various components of Project Atomic


The talk will focus on introduction to Project Atomic and why we need it. I will explore various components of Project Atomic like OSTree and Cockpit and talk about how they make running Linux containers using Docker easy. I will also demonstrate scaling and recovery using Google’s Kubernetes project which is a part of Project Atomic.


Some experience with running Docker conatiners is plus.

Speaker bio

I am Aditya Patawari, currently working as Lead of Systems Engineering at I play around with Enterprise Linux, Ansible, Puppet, Nagios, Python, Cloud (AWS and OpenStack) both as a part of my work and out of interest.
I have been a speaker at FUDCon, NELF, GNUnify, Rootconf, Flock, FOSSAsia and have delivered talks on Puppet, Ansible, Project Atomic, Git, infrastructure scalability and various other topics.



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