Rootconf 2015

DevOps and scaling infrastructure

Yahya Poonawala


Migration from a DataCenter to the Cloud : What you need to know

Submitted Mar 27, 2015

In this session, we will walk through the challenges and solutions faced by enterprises while migrating from the data center to the cloud. We will cover several aspects from tooling, security to testing. We will drive the talk based on experiences from real migration stories.

Link to mind map :


In particular, this talk will outline how to handle the following scenarios :

  1. Infrastructure Management Tooling
  2. Slicing of the infrastructure into layers
  3. Security
    • VPN’s
    • Addressing customer security requirements as a Vendor
  4. Database management
  5. Monitoring, alerting and logging
  6. High Availability and Zero Downtime Deployments
  7. CI / CD for the cloud


General development experience of atleast a year.

Speaker bio

Yahya Poonawala is an Application Developer at ThoughtWorks India. His interests lie in designing solutions to problems, databases and more recently devops. He is also passionate about teaching and finds opportunities where he can spread the finite knowledge that he possesses. In his spare time, you can find him reading a novel, or writing about himself in the third person.

Ashutosh is a human and developer in that order. Currently Ashutosh is an application developer at Thoughtworks based out of Pune. Usually he dabbles in the .NET world. He is equally in love with Scala. Ashutosh loves most things open source, and tries to integrate open source tools in his daily work life. These days he is particularly excited about open source developments in the .NET space. He also loves travel and food, especially french fries.


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