Rootconf 2015

DevOps and scaling infrastructure

Dev-Oops to Dev-Ops

Submitted Mar 27, 2015

How cultural shift is required to enable efficiency and help bring in DevOps mindset.


The session helps convey the cultural thought-process changes, what we have done in our organization and how it has benefited. It also gets deeper into the mindset changes in people, reorganizing roles and change in business value mindset.


Interest to move to the DevOps model. Understand some of the DevOps/automation terminologies.

Speaker bio

12 Years of Automation & Release Management experience, Arun has helped implement DevOps Culture and tools, processes associated with it in multiple organizations as a consultant / employee. Having worked in services, product and captive organizations, the experience spans across varieties of teams and products.
Arun also has conducted multiple trainings for freshers & laterals on tools and automation (batch sizes of 5 to 500 people).



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