Rootconf 2015

DevOps and scaling infrastructure

Venu Murthy MK


Cloud Bursting -- Hybrid Clouds!

Submitted Mar 5, 2015

To start off with we will discover the economics of hybrid clouds and what is the reality behind statements such as “69 percent of companies agree that implementing a hybrid cloud will be one of their biggest areas of focus in 2015” by Forbes.
Following this, I will demonstrate on how this has been made possible using OpenSource software like OpenStack and demonstrate the “real” Auto scaling in a private cloud which upon reaching a level of utilisation will be able to burst into the public cloud and operate seemlessly.


In this presentation I will show how public clouds such as Amazon EC2, can be modeled as a new kind of pseudo-hypervisor in Openstack’s compute - Nova (with infinite capacity, inherent multi-tenancy, etc). We explore how this approach can help building hybrid clouds enabling seamless cloud-bursting to ‘legacy’ public clouds behind standard OpenStack APIs.

In particular, we will share our experience developing and evaluating the OpenStack drivers for interacting with a public cloud service provider like Amazon EC2 (focusing on Nova virt drivers), including a demo of using standard OpenStack Horizon and OpenStack Heat templates to deploy complex workloads on different cloud infrastructures.

Speaker bio

In his decade long rich and exciting experience, Venu Murthy has been fortunate to work on the technologies dictating the future.

Venu Murthy works at ThoughtWorks--a partners of Rackspace since the beginning of OpenStack revolution. Venu Murthy was given the opportunity of spearheading ThoughtWorks into the cloud. He single handily migrated a large user base from legacy systems to the cloud several years ago and automated all the processes using the most happening programming language-- Python. Due to the flawless and precise automation nothing else was left for him to do manually and hence he moved on to exploring the world of Public and Private Clouds!

ThoughtWorks vision to contribute to Open Source, his love for Python and expertise in Cloud, serendipitously brought him the opportunity of leading the effort of contributing to the success of OpenStack and researching in its endless possibilities.



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