Rootconf 2015

DevOps and scaling infrastructure

Ankit Jain


Build your own Dynamic CDN

Submitted Mar 17, 2015

Build your own Dynamic CDN which can handle more than 10K reqs/sec per node


Yeah, like Akamai CDN or AWS Cloudfront.

So what’s the difference?

Serve dynamic content and not just static HTML, JS, images or CSS files.

Wait! It does not make sense.

Join me while I explain how and why we did it @Wingify and maybe then it starts making sense!


We at Wingify started facing issues with our dynamic content serving layer when our servers (using nginx + varnish + php) were serving around 1K reqs/sec. That is when we built our own dynamic CDN.

Different servers across the world remain in-sync with each other to serve dynamic content based on originating URL and behavior of the visitor. The new infrastructre can handle more than 10K reqs/sec per node. These nodes can be present in any part of the world making it possible to scale horizontally as compared to 1K reqs/sec from around 32 nodes all sitting at one place.

With the new infrastructure we not only decreased the server count by more than 1/4th (read fewer sleepless nights) but also improved the average global response time by more than 7x.

Would be sharing how and why we did it, why the available CDNs did not work for us, and why is it easy to build one.

Speaker bio

Hacker and a security enthusiast who believes in The Matrix. I love to optimize webpages and strongly believe that load-time is money when it comes to webpages. Working @Wingify as a Software Lead helps me in living my dream of solving interesting problems related to scale, load and optimizations.



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