Rootconf 2014

On devops and cloud infrastructure


@shanmugavelfixrnix Proposing

Understanding GRC

Submitted Jan 16, 2014

  • To give a brief description on GRC, Which allows you to move further for deeper understanding and implementation.
  • To explain the Need of GRC to all the firms, corporates, irrespective of their Domain.
  • To transfer the Knowledge of GRC, by which we can expect good govarnance Mainly to improve the Standards of Management.


  • GRC is Govarnance Risk Management and Compliance.
  • FixNix GRC can Govern the Actions so that they can proceed in a Steady Flow.
  • FixNix GRC can Expect the Risks after analyzing at different levels, then Manage those risks accordingly.
  • FixNix GRC has cutting edge features and competitive modules like Risk Management, Audit Managemenet, Patch Management, Policy Management, Asset Management and Incident Management.


  • A brief outlay of the Actions they are undertaking.
  • Mark out the Expected Risks in their Process.
  • Acceptance to take up their Security to the Next good level.
  • Know their Real Standards of Working and have an aim to Improve their Standards.

Speaker bio

I am the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).
I Worked for a Period of 6 yrs in Microsoft and 4yrs in IBM.
Now, I am running a Firm by name FixNix Info Sec Solutions, Which works on the Domain of Information Security.



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