Rootconf 2014

On devops and cloud infrastructure

Aditya Patawari

Aditya Patawari


Building Orchestration and Configuration with Ansible

Submitted Jan 19, 2014

  • To grasp the basic concepts of Ansible.
  • To be able to run Ad hoc commands, on demand.
  • To create a playbook to manage a set of servers with predefined rules.


Ansible is a an agentless orchestration tool which does more or less what Puppet and Chef do. It relies on OpenSSH for transport and YAML for creating playbooks.
Playbook is essentially a list of rules which are applied to a (set of) server to put them in desired configuration.

In this talk, I will show how to execute ad hoc commands on one or more servers as well as create simple playbooks. I will also talk about the best practices to use Ansible in order to get maximum benefit out of it.

Lastly I will share our own story where Ansible really helped us in deploying Virtualization (Xen) Servers vs Puppet whose compatibility gave us really hard time.

Speaker bio

I am Aditya Patawari, currently working as Cloud and Infrastructure Engineer at I play around with Enterprise Linux, Ansible, Puppet, Nagios, Python, Cloud (AWS and OpenStack) both as a part of my work and out of interest.
I have been a speaker at FUDCon Pune, FUDCon Kuala Lumpur, NELF Boston, GNUnify Pune and have delivered talks on Puppet, Git, infrastructure scalability and various other topics.


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