Sep 2017
11 Mon
12 Tue
13 Wed
14 Thu 08:30 AM – 05:45 PM IST
15 Fri
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17 Sun
Muskein Singh
Submitted Aug 20, 2017
One of the main reasons why we adopted React Native at Flipkart was to be able to enrich developer experience and build large scale interactive applications with minimal effort. We, at Flipkart, have been using React Native over a year now. React Native allows us to send over the air updates to our users instantly. This talk is aimed at explaining how we solve for the things that happens behind the hood
Why React Native?
React Native Development Inside Native App
One click solution
Bundle Deployments to Pre Production
Ship to Production
Muskein helped initiate the creation of the React Native team at Flipkart. He has been using React Native for over a year now and he built the Search/Browse and Filter experience on Android and iOS platforms for Flipkart. He has been working currently on shipping an entirely new category vertical to Flipkart users. With billions of users still left untapped in India alone, he believes that mobile as a platform has the power and the potential to help our country grow into a supergiant again.
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