Omar Khursheed


Lightning Talk: Making executables in Python with cx_freeze and pyinstaller

Submitted Aug 31, 2017

Have you ever found someone with a problem, the requirement to automate something, or some other simple problem the answer to which your mind always gives: “I could write a quick script for that.” But for people who do not have your technical skill, getting them to install python, whatever packages you need, and then run the script from the command line, is nearly impossible.
By creating simple executables with tools that put your python installation, all the packages you need, you can distribute your applications, and people can use them with just a simple double-click on the executable.cx_freeze and pyinstaller are tools for this purpose.


  1. What executables are.
  2. The different tools available to create executables.
  3. Pros and cons of each tool.
  4. A demo illustrating the creation of an executable for a simple script.


A working knowledge of Python.
The ability to install packages with pip.

Speaker bio

Mohammad Omar Khursheed is a 3rd Year Computer Engineering undergraduate student at Aligarh Muslim University. He has two years of Python experience, and is fascinated by the possibilities it provides. Omar has worked at Enterprise Monkey, an Australia-based software consulting company, where he used Python to build language pack translation software, and has also contributed to Open Source organisations such as PySAL, the spatial analysis library. He is interested in product development cycles and in increasing accessibility to productivity tools that are usually targeted to programmers by bringing ease of use to the general public.



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