Meta Refresh 2018

Meta Refresh 2018

The web in your pocket

Vikas Parashar


a11y matters

Submitted Sep 18, 2017

“The 11 in a11y stands for the number of times you have to tell developers that accessibility is important” - @iandevlin

As web developers, we all have faced the task of developing accessible sites/app, but for most of us it’s another checkbox to check. This talk will be about how a11y and user experience goes hand in hand, and are not mutually exclusive. As an introductory talk, I will talk about a11y and discuss guidelines set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium. The core component of this talk will cover how to design accessible user experience. This talk is focused on UI designers and product managers so there won’t be any code eccentric imporovement tips(like ARIA, hiding elements) and you will be surprised how much we can achieve without writing a line of code.


  1. What is a11y
  2. Impairments
    • Visual
    • Auditory (hearing)
    • Motor
    • Cognitive
  3. Myths
    • a11y is optional
    • is only for people with disabilities
  4. Improving UX by accessible designs (Code eccentric implementations are left out)
    • Visual
      • Examples
      • Guidelines
      • Tips and tools
    • Cognitive
      • Examples
      • Guidelines
      • Tips and tools
  5. Resources
  6. Takeaway

Speaker bio

Frontend developer at InOut, loves open source.


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