Meta Refresh 2016

The web in your pocket

HV Pandya


Redesigning Instamojo's web experience in the age of mobile

Submitted Aug 23, 2016

Instamojo started out as a web-first platform to enable people sell online in the fastest and the easiest way possible. Even today it remains the easiest way to start selling anything (well, almost anything) online.

Redesigning the seller dashboard experience with a mobile-first approach helped us increase the reach of the platform to new and different niches of users, opening up new market possibilities. It helped us make our product more accessible to people without computers, it forced us to rewrite the product in a way that works well even on sketchy mobile Internet connections - leading to a better overall product reliability.

Through this talk, I want to share with you the Why and How of the redesign and then corroborate with numbers and data the efficacy of the whole project.


####Why mobile-first -
Yes, it is a no-brainer these days to think mobile-first about digital products but it’s prudent to stay mindful of the userbase that you’re designing for.

  • Sellers don’t always have an access to a computer
  • Consuming quick sales and earnings metrics (at a glance) is always fast and easy on mobile
  • Mobile devices are handy and capable more than ever
  • Increasingly good mobile Internet connections mean it’s possible to have your platform reach more number of people with a mobile-friendly product experience

####Then comes the How -

  • Study behavior patterns of users on the web to understand requirements
  • Calibrate and re-align the requirements keeping a mobile constraints in mind
  • Create the need to have and good to have buckets of features and prioritize development towards the final product
  • Rethink the interconnect of design & tech to serve customers well in the event of edge-cases - like handling a sketchy cell signal reception

####Story of the numbers & data -

  • How do you measure a redesign?
  • How do you evaluate your mobile userbase and their actions?
  • How things are, 8 months after the redesign

####To show how this redesign helped Instamojo create features even faster moving forward -

  • Benefits of putting in place a unified design language, making internal design management seamless and robust going forward


A notebook to take notes

Speaker bio

I have worked with industrial interfaces to begin my design career. I created websites and iOS apps as a hobby and moved to full time digital product design from then on. I worked at Instamojo undertook their platform redesign from the ground up including the seller dashboard experience and peripheral products like the Instapay.

Post Instamojo, I’ve begun working as an independent contract product designer & consultant. I’ve worked with a couple of big design teams working on mass-market products. I’ve also endeavored (with help of my friend Rahul) to create a design community Slack group to stay connected, to bounce off ideas, concepts and designs for feedback.

Other than this, I’m an electrical engineer by education and I did my MSc from TU Delft in the Netherlands. I’m @hvpandya on Twitter.


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