Meta Refresh 2016

The web in your pocket



Re-Engineering JavaScript Animations

Submitted Aug 12, 2016

Animations could dramatically improve the user-experience of our Web Apps. This talk would cover some of the ways we could hand-code Web Animations in our UI. The keynote would be a bridge between Design and Code but with the perspective of a JavaScript Developer.


Topics to be covered

  1. Animation tools available for Designers
  2. Design tools available for prototyping animations
  3. Considering all available current technologies for front-end animations
  4. Technologies to be covered: DOM Animations, SVG and SVG Animations,Greensock,SnapSVG,Web Animations API
  5. Techniques to optimise animation perfomance.
  6. Links and Refrences.

Watch the video for more Information.

Basic Understanding of JavaScript, HTML,CSS and an open mind. Designers can attend this as well (& inspire their developers to create amazing UIs).

Draft Keynote slides

Note: The presentation would be built using HTML,CSS and JavaScript and the Slideshare link provided is only for preview purposes.
Let’s have some fun with JS-Animations now :)


Open Mind :)

Speaker bio

Having experience of over 5 years, Prashant Sani creatively implements website designs to hand crafted Front-End Code. He believes in Progressive Enhancement and really looks for ways to push boundaries of HTML,CSS, SVG & JavaScript. Currently, he is working on lauching his Portfolio Website.



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