Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

Shwetank Dixit


So, whats new in CSS lately? : The new advancements

Submitted Dec 12, 2013

To learn about new and interesting things happening in the world of CSS. This talk will focus on the actual specs rather than tools or frameworks.


So ... whats new with CSS lately?

We’ve been hearing so much about CSS tools, frameworks, etc that talk about the actual specifications (or proposed specifications) has sometimes taken a backseat. Let’s fix that in this talk and see what the new advancements are.

We’ll take a look at all the new goodness in various new and/or noteworthy CSS specs, right from 3d stuff to regions to brand new selectors and many, many things in between, often looking at their performance and accessiblity aspects too. We’ll see in what ways has CSS taken inspiration from tools like LESS, SASS etc as well as how all the new CSS goodness will interact in new ways with existing (and upcoming) web technologies (like SVG, Web Components, etc) to create the future of web graphics.


A lot of the stuff I will talk about would be about the next level of existing CSS specs, so at least a basic working knowledge of CSS3 stuff would be required.

Speaker bio

Shwetank Dixit works in the Developer Relations Team for Opera Software. He is also part of the W3C Mobile Web for Social Development Group and the W3C Web Education Community Group. He promotes open web standards and best practices amongst the developer community. His articles and interviews can be seen on, .net magazine, The Hindu, Technorati, Times of India, PCQuest and more.


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