Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

vijay kumbhar


Sencha beyond limitations: A hands on approach to framework customizations for greater stability and massive data sizes.

Submitted Jan 9, 2014

A brief walk through of the framework followed by customizations for handling massive data chunks rendering and framework stabilization by resolving known issues.


The session will cover the following areas in greater detail:

  1. Developing framework support for cross browser compatibility with a focus on IE10, Microsoft Surface Pro and Surface RT.
  2. Improving the performance for Complex UI structures, large size data display, Dom rendering, Auto destroy etc .
  3. Customized sencha elements for -:
  • CSS Styling for views (limitations)
  • Custom Listing instead of basic grid structure
  • Custom calendar
  • Custom carousel
  • Custom checkbox
  • Custom Accordion
  • Custom poupbox content
  1. How to fix the Display issue in flex.
  2. The most common and heartbreaking Height issues and fixes.
  3. Grid structure vs List structure. What are the pros and cons of using them?
  4. Panel component tap event issue

Exercise :

  1. Creating a sample application by using sencha.
  2. Enhancing the above application for accepting large data chunks and displaying it.
  3. Brief run down and hands on session on customizations to Sencha framework and submissions of potential contributions


This is going to involve writing code. It is expected that participants are comfortable with front-end syntax (HTML, CSS, JS, basic understanding of Sencha framework).
Workshop pre-requisites:

Speaker bio

Co-founder and technical Architect @Webonise Lab Pvt. Ltd, I am a geek, with a broad experience across open source frontend and backend technologies. Architect and build apps for the love of it! Active Contributor @CakePHP framework and various open source communities.
The speaker will be accompanied by Mr. Nilesh Jinde and Swapnil Vathare for the workshop.


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