Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

vivek parihar


Mobile First Approach - The key to cross platform interface design

Submitted Jan 9, 2014

Understanding how the intricacies of a Mobile First interface work and how we can use a bottom to top approach to handle it.


Mobile first design has been taking centrestage in the consumer internet media stage. This makes it extremely important for the Design/development community to understand the intricacies, pitfalls and the right practices about it.

From my own experiments, I have elicited few interesting protcols and practices for the same. The presentation aims to share the results of the successful experiments and open up discussion on what the best way forward can be.

Outline of the talk:

  1. Understanding the need for mobile sites
  2. Going through the basics of a fluid interface; differences between responsive sites and mobile sites
  3. Bottom up approach - first build minimum features for the smaller screens. It helps keep the lean approach alive.
  4. Optimized content structuring - limited size on small screens calls for relevant and optimized content layouts
  5. Ensuring the right experience on small screen devices via optimized front end
  6. The upside of using mobile dev libraries - hammer js, zepto js etc

Speaker bio

Vivek Parihar - Webonise Lab, Pune
A technology evangelist, ROR geek, Javascript Missionary and a mentor - just to name a few. Started his technology journey @Webonise with mission to experiment, build and contribute to technology trends.
As VP-Engineering, he has led the team leaps and bounds across various technologies. He is a frequent speaker at conferences. To name a few:
-MongoDb Pune
-Ruby Conf India


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