Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

Nayan Deshmukh


2013, how the past will affect front-end trends of 2014

Submitted Jan 9, 2014

The aim of this talk is to throw spotlights on popular trends that captured the world wide web in 2013 and how it will impact what we are going to see in 2014.


January is often considered the month for deep reflection. We look back at the year behind us, bemoaning our regrets and celebrating our successes. And then, we look forward to the future year. Many of the prominent/spectacular/renowned trends of last year are still around today and will undoubtedly take off/march into 2014. After all, that’s why they are called trends and not fads. So we thought, why not do a retrospective for the web trends for 2013 and see what we would leave behind in 2014 and what we will continue.

Outline of the talk:

  1. Responsive Web Design beyond screen sizes - Response based on device experience
  2. Retina support using SVG - For smarter browsers on high end devices
  3. SVG animation or Parallax - Storytelling without heavy videos
  4. Single Page Application using Node.js - Simplified experience to focus single task at a time

Speaker bio

Nayan is the Creative Director and a co-founder at Webonise Lab.
He is a design graduate and has been in industry for close to a decade now. He has extensive experience in Interface & Interaction design for Learning Management systems & various startups. Creating Robust design & streamlining frontend processes at Webonise Lab has been his strong focus’

He eats and breathes User interface and interaction design. When he is not UIing or UXing, you can see him reading on his Kindle, sketching up some pencil illustrations or binge watching movies!


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