Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

Rajagopal Natarajan


Data driven UX decisions

Submitted Jan 2, 2014

Understand the principles of data driven decision making when it comes to User Experience. Explore a few examples around the topic.


Improving user experience is part art and part science. This talk would focus on the science.

Making data driven decisions for a website involves:

  1. Tracking all user actions along with contextual variables
  2. Identifying gaps in the experience, or opportunities, by look at the tracked data
  3. Coming up with a list of hypotheses around possible reasons for the gaps
  4. Figuring ways to validate the hypotheses and narrowing the list down
  5. Releasing features or UX improvements to address the gaps
  6. Isolating and measuring the impact of these features or improvements
  7. Letting the fittest features or improvements survive, and iterating this process

We’ll explore each of these steps in detail, along with relevant examples.

Who would find it useful?

  • Online product managers(beginners)
  • Startup folks working on an online product
  • Frontend Engineers and Engineers aspiring to be PMs
  • UX and UI designers

Speaker bio

In my last stint, I started a company, which got backed by YCombinator. We built a product called Markupwand to convert Photoshop designs to HTML and CSS.

Before starting up, I was the Product Manager for’s frontend, where I more than doubled the number of purchases per 100 visitors(conversion rate) by creating a good user experience and improving on it with the support of data.

Prior to this, I worked as a full stack engineer at Yahoo! and a Flash game developer at Zynga.


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