Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

Harish Sivaramakrishnan

A front end architect's diary - Rebuilding web experience

Submitted Jan 2, 2014

A step by step account on what went into designing and architecting the new web experience. This session will throw light into what went into building a single page web app right from design to code to test.


The session will broadly cover -

  1. The design process - key considerations and how it evolved.
  2. Choosing the front end stack
  3. Building a true, full responsive experience
  4. How many browsers can we realistically support?
  5. Addressing the performance demons
  6. The BIG SEO question
  7. The mistakes, the learnings
  8. The steps forward

Broadly, this session is an honest take at what it means to rebuild a system ground up using modern web standards.


Intermediate JavaScript, CSS knowledge and some design orientation.

Speaker bio

Harish is presently the head of Front End Engineering & UX @FreeCharge and Musican at @agamlive. Previously - Front End & UX architect @Myntra, Web and Open Standards Evangelist @Adobe. Overall nice guy.


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