Kilter 2017

Kilter 2017

On health, nutrition and fitness



What is scientific wellness?

Submitted Mar 14, 2017

Scientific wellness is the coming consumer centric revolution of using wearables, advanced diagnostics, machine intelligence and digitized protocols to drive holistic health outcomes. It will be deeply rooted in science and a data driven approach. Hyper personalized recommendations are possible now with the integration of multimodal data from genetics, microbiome, biochemistry, behaviour and lifetyle. Further persuasive technologies overlayed on mobile apps will help nudge the behaviours to produce every lasting positive change in wellness


The Continuum - 3 states in human life (Illness / wellness & Performance)
The consumerization of health and wellness
What is scientific wellness?
Tenets of scientific wellness
What are biomarkers & digital biomarkers?
How you can use technology to personalize your wellness blueprint?
What are the outcome pillars? (Nutrition, Movement, Lfestyle)



Speaker bio

I am technologist and a practioner of biohacking for peak physical & mental performance. I am an EXOS certified performance specialist and Precision Nutrition certified coach. An avid user of advanced medical and consumer wearables, I am interested in self quantified for better performance. Previously with a tech company as a technologist building cloud infrastructure.




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