Apr 2017
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1 Sat 08:30 AM – 05:30 PM IST
2 Sun 08:30 AM – 05:30 PM IST
Arvind Bhateja
Submitted Feb 17, 2017
From a 90 kg overweight healthcare professional to a cyclist who races actively (domestic and international) my journey in understanding fitness, nutrition and physiology in spite of being a busy medical practitioner is something I would like to share.
From virtually no exposure to physical activites as a child, my journey into fitness began at the rather late age of 32 years, primarily as a means to lose excess weight. My initial exploration began with a gym membership, running indoors and weights. In 2009 I discovered the world of long distance outdoor running and made a new year resolution to run a half marathon. Training began in early 2009 but disaster soon struck in the form a a knee injury and forced me to explore outher options.
Rediscovered my childhood love for cycling and stumbled upon a whole host of new bike brands that had made their appearance in Bangalore and hooped onto a bicycle nearly 20 years after I finished school. The cycling bug had me in its clutches in no time. From short weekday rides, to century long weekend rides, conquering Nandi Hills and finally taking on the incredible Tour of Nilgiris in Dec 2009, it was cycling nirvana! However, my thirst for challenges became insatiable and led me to a half iron man in 2011 and competitive racing at an international level.
My journey has taken me deeper and deeper into an understanding of exercise physiology, training, technology and nutrition which I would like to share with all of you.
Their undivided attention!
A 47 year old practising neurosurgeon and spine surgeon with a 10 year history in cyling, running and triathlons and a part of India’s best amateur racing cycling team Spectrum Racing
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