Apr 2017
27 Mon
28 Tue
29 Wed
30 Thu
31 Fri
1 Sat 08:30 AM – 05:30 PM IST
2 Sun 08:30 AM – 05:30 PM IST
Kristen McQuillin
Submitted Feb 14, 2017
Create a journal to track progress to body hacking goals, no matter what they are. Participants will use a mix of scientific-style lab notes and art journal techniques to create their own personalised book.
No experience required. Bring a blank notebook/sketchbook/ring binder to create your journal and (if you wish) printouts of PDFs to be published on the Kilter blog before the conference. You are welcome to bring any pens or art supplies that you like, too, and I will also provide some.
Space & equipment required: tables and chairs. I will bring printouts, samples, and some art supplies.
Tink is a creative dilettante with a passion for movement, storytelling, and art. A circus teacher and performer, she works around the world with kids and adults to create community circus events. She has been journalling online and offline for over 40 years.
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