Apr 2017
27 Mon
28 Tue
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31 Fri
1 Sat 08:30 AM – 05:30 PM IST
2 Sun 08:30 AM – 05:30 PM IST
Kristen McQuillin
Submitted Feb 14, 2017
Working out can be ridiculously fun. Circus Fitness is a creative workout combining circus skills like hula hoop and acrobatics with conditioning for flexibility, balance, and strength.
For a 90 minute session, we’ll do:
Be prepared for silliness. Please wear clothes you can move in and if possible, bring a yoga mat. You’ll want water and a towel, too. Other equipment will be provided. Experience not required.
Tink is a creative dilettante with a passion for movement, storytelling, and art. A circus teacher and performer, she works around the world with kids and adults to create community circus events. Circus Fitness is one of her favorite classes to teach.
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