JSFoo 2014

JavaScript as the centerpiece of a complex web stack

Michael Hackstein


Rapid API development

Submitted May 8, 2014

People attending this talk will learn:

  • How to implement and structure a REST-API in Javascript using the Foxx framework
  • How this API can be executed within a database (ArangoDB)
    • This includes direct access to the data
    • And avoids passing data back and forth between a classical backend and the database


Foxx is a server-side JavaScript application framework that – instead of being a separate application layer is directly integrated into the open source NoSQL database ArangoDB. When your first thought is “Oh no, stored procedures” – don’t worry: Foxx helps you structure your application using the MVC pattern and yes, you can put everything into your version control. Still it tremendously reduces redundancy in database communication and provides direct access to all features of ArangoDB like graph traversals or the query language AQL. Furthermore it automatically generates an interactive API documentation with just a few annotations. Foxx perfectly integrates both with modern client-side MVC frameworks or can be used behind your server-side application to reduce roundtrips to the database.

Speaker bio

Michael is a JavaScript and NoSQL enthusiast.
In his spare time he is organising colognejs, the JavaScript user group in Cologne Germany scheduled every second month.
In his professional life Michael holds a master degree in Computer Science.
As Front End Specialist he is member of the ArangoDB core team, developing the web frontend and graph visualisation for this project.




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