JSFoo 2013

All about being creative with JavaScript

Christian Heilmann


HTML5 for the masses - making the future the now

Submitted Jul 20, 2013

A talk explaining how to use HTML5 right here, right now, to create products that are ready for a market where people consume on low-end mobile devices.


The hype period of HTML5 is over. Finally the press and marketing departments have stopped promising unicorns that heal with violet-scented breath when you use HTML5 and we can start using the amazing wealth of technologies browsers give us in a sensible manner.

In this talk Chris Heilmann from Mozilla will show what is possible in browsers today, what you can do to save time and what you should avoid to ensure that the mobile web will not suffer from your products.

You will also see upcoming technologies that will make our job much easier by accessing hardware, digging deep into the browser and allowing our users to get data onto the web in the simplest fashion possible.



Speaker bio

Chris Heilmann has dedicated a lot of his time making the web better. Originally coming from a radio journalism background, he built his first web site from scratch around 1997 and spent the following years working on lots of large, international web sites. He then spent a few years in Yahoo building products and explaining and training people and is now at Mozilla. Chris wrote and contributed to four books on web development and wrote many articles and hundreds of blog posts for Ajaxian, Smashing Magazine, Yahoo, Mozilla, ScriptJunkie and many more.


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