Sep 2013
16 Mon
17 Tue
18 Wed
19 Thu
20 Fri 09:30 AM – 07:15 PM IST
21 Sat 09:30 AM – 06:00 PM IST
22 Sun
Sreekanth Vadagiri
Submitted Jul 1, 2013
Javascripters are looked down upon for writing unmaintanable, and rubbish code. The idea of this session is to seek different abstractions that fit better with the spirit of javascript, using techniques from functional programming.
If you have used Underscore you are already on the way to doing functional programming. It uses a lot of patterns from functional programming, I will use that as a platform for talking about functional programming.
We will go on whirlwind tour of basics of functional programming.
Stuff like Continuations, Closures, Currying, Combinators ( I plan to spend a bit of time with this stuff) and maybe(pun intended) Monads.
It would be nice to have basic functional programming experience and good Understanding of Javascript. Definitely Intermediate to Advanced.
Developer at Activesphere
I like languages and have worked and played with everything from Lisp to Smalltalk and now work with Ruby and Javascript as my primary language at work.
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