JSFoo 2013

All about being creative with JavaScript

Shekhar Gulati


Building Spatial Back-ends with Node.js and MongoDB

Submitted Jul 10, 2013

To help developers build scalable location aware node.js applications


Location Aware apps are everywhere and we use them heavily in our day to day life. You have seen the stuff that Foursquare has done with spatial and you want some of that hotness for your app. But, where to start? In this session, we will build a location aware app using HTML 5 on the client and scalable Node.js + MongoDB on the server side. This session will teach you how to take advantage of MongoDB’s spatial indexing support as you build your own cloud-hosted app on OpenShift, Red Hat’s Open Source platform as a service. OpenShift aims to provide Mongo developers with the ability to use a wide variety of programming languages, and offers MongoDB command line access, and integrated support for installing RockMongo in a single command. By the end of this session you will have all the information necessary for writing your own location based app.

Speaker bio

Shekhar Gulati is Principal OpenShift Developer Evangelist working with Red Hat. He has 8 years of software web development experience. He regularly speaks at various conference and user groups around the world. Shekhar is an active writer and has written many technical articles for IBM DeveloperWorks, Developer.com, and JavaLobby. His current interests are NoSQL databases, cloud computing, mainly Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), mobile development, javascript frameworks, and new things happening in Java community. When he is not traveling, he loves to write code and read technology books. You can follow him on twitter @ shekhargulati.


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