JSFoo 2012

It’s like kung fu with JavaScript and objects! All about building full size apps in JavaScript.

Karthik Kastury


Yeoman.io | JavaScript as a Build Tool *for everything!*

Submitted Aug 14, 2012

JavaScript doesn’t have to be restricted server/client. It can go beyond that. This talk would give an introduction to latest hotness in the Javascript Community i.e. Yeoman.

Yeoman makes it super easy for you to build your project, and also throws in awesome scaffolding utilities like Rails.


The session will cover the usage of Yeoman.io as a build tool.

  1. Compile and compress your CSS/JS when you change the source.
  2. Reload your browser every time you make a change in the source templates.
  3. Optimize your assets, i.e. images.
  4. Run CSSlint and JSHint on your code to keep it clean.
  5. Run arbitrary system commands.

And of course a quick walk through to writing your own Yeoman Scaffold generators :)


Basic understanding of JavaScript and frontend Development.

Speaker bio

I’m the Performance Guy at PayPal India(eBay Inc.), building Performance as a key attribute into the Next Generation of PayPal’s presence on the Web.

Recently got bit by the JavaScript bug. Didn’t look back since ;-)

In my free time I dabble with Web Frameworks, researching on the various things that go into making applications fast and responsive.

I also occasionally blog at http://karthik.kastury.in/


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