Fragments 2017

Fragments 2017

A conference on the mobile ecosystem in India

Arun Babu A S P


Stop imposing English on your users!

Submitted Jul 2, 2017

Localization is a very important aspect to take mobile apps to first time internet users. This talk will deep dive on how an app can be prepared to support localization. We will review major dimensions of localization, how they work together.


  • Why localize an app?
  • Correcting string resources & preparing them
  • Handling plurals, formatted strings & translations
  • Updating layouts to support RTL
  • Handling properties like Distance, Currency & Mass
  • Adding Tests to minimize errors

Speaker bio

Senior Android Engineer at Uber with more than 10 years of experience in developing apps for mobile platforms.
Focused on improving the user experience in emerging markets for nearly 4 years
Have given talks at AppFest, GDG DevFest 2016, DroidCon 2016 on wide range of topics


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