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Accepting submissions till 15 Jun 2019, 01:00 PM

NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bengaluru



##The eighth edition of The Fifth Elephant will be held in Bangalore on 25 and 26 July. A thousand data scientists, ML engineers, data engineers and analysts will gather at the NIMHANS Convention Centre in Bangalore to discuss:

  1. Model management, including data cleaning, instrumentation and productionizing data science.
  2. Bad data and case studies of failure in building data products.
  3. Identifying and handling fraud + data security at scale
  4. Applications of data science in agriculture, media and marketing, supply chain, geo-location, SaaS and e-commerce.
  5. Feature engineering and ML platforms.
  6. What it takes to create data-driven cultures in organizations of different scales.


1. Meet Peter Wang, co-founder of Anaconda Inc, and learn about why data privacy is the first step towards robust data management; the journey of building Anaconda; and Anaconda in enterprise.
2. Talk to the Fulfillment and Supply Group (FSG) team from Flipkart, and learn about their work with platform engineering where ground truths are the source of data.
3. Attend tutorials on Deep Learning with RedisAI; TransmorgifyAI, Salesforce’s open source AutoML.
4. Discuss interesting problems to solve with data science in agriculture, SaaS perspective on multi-tenancy in Machine Learning (with the Freshworks team), bias in intent classification and recommendations.
5. Meet data science, data engineering and product teams from sponsoring companies to understand how they are handling data and leveraging intelligence from data to solve interesting problems.

##Why you should attend?

  1. Network with peers and practitioners from the data ecosystem
  2. Share approaches to solving expensive problems such as cleanliness of training data, model management and versioning data
  3. Demo your ideas in the demo session
  4. Join Birds of Feather (BOF) sessions to have productive discussions on focussed topics. Or, start your own Birds of Feather (BOF) session.

##Full schedule published here:

##Contact details:
For more information about The Fifth Elephant, sponsorships, or any other information call +91-7676332020 or email


Sponsorship Deck.
Email for bulk ticket purchases, and sponsoring 2019 edition of JSFoo:VueDay.

JSFoo:VueDay 2019 sponsors:

#Platinum Sponsor


#Community Sponsors

Salesforce Ericsson freshworks

#Exhibition Sponsors

Sapient Atlassian GO-JEK

#Bronze Sponsor

Sumologic Walmart Labs Atlan
Simpl Great Learning

#Community Sponsors

Elastic Anaconda Aruba Networks

Hosted by

All about data science and machine learning

Navinder Pal Singh Brar


Real-time fraud detection with Kafka Streams

Submitted Jun 5, 2019

One of the major use cases for stream processing is real-time fraud detection. Walmart just launched a new subscription package where it provides free delivery for users who are enrolled with a monthly subscription, which can be misused sometimes. Since the fraud detection model runs on each transaction and comes with very tight SLAs, we had to increase availability in our Kafka streams cluster and reduce latency. I will be discussing this architecture along with problems we faced, such as frequent rebalancing, high latency, invariably large assignment size, and excessive data movement after every deployment. The below features will be discussed in detail:
•Smart Client: A client library to query the precise machine and get data for a customer to reduce interactive queries
•Read from replicas: During bulk ingestion of events, CPU usage is at the peak in the machines which leads to high latency, so we had to support read from replicas to counter that
•Read while rebalancing: During rebalancing, Streams cluster doesn’t serve queries, but since availability is of foremost importance we enabled reads during rebalancing
•Reading from a store of specific partition: Currently, Kafka streams iterates over each partition of a store via composite stores to find the key, we enabled direct read into the partition where the key is present
•Backup and Restore feature: Developed backup and restore feature for all the data stored in RocksDB, if the state gets corrupted due to some bug or any other reasons
Key Takeaways:
•Lessons learned from using Kafka streams as data as a service
•Modifying Kafka Streams to fit availability-first use cases


Key Takeaways:
•Lessons learned from using Kafka streams as data as a service
•Modifying Kafka Streams to fit availability-first use cases


Basic understanding of Kafka Streams

Speaker bio

Navinder is working as a data engineer in Walmart Labs where he has been working with Kafka ecosystem for the last couple of years, especially Kafka Streams and created a new platform on top of it to suit their needs to process billions of events per day in real time and trigger models on each event. He has been active in contributing back to Kafka Streams and has patented few features as well. He is interested in solving complex problems and distributed systems and likes to spend time in gym and boxing ring in his spare time.


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Make a submission

Accepting submissions till 15 Jun 2019, 01:00 PM

NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bengaluru

Hosted by

All about data science and machine learning