Jul 2012
23 Mon
24 Tue
25 Wed
26 Thu
27 Fri 09:30 AM – 05:30 PM IST
28 Sat 09:30 AM – 05:00 PM IST
29 Sun
Prithvijit roy
Submitted Jul 3, 2012
Intent of the session is to provide a comprehensive picture of the key challenges analytics is facing in the world of business and how we can solve them with help of technology and business context
Advanced analytics can significantly help business managers make more informed decisions by uncovering crucial insights, that would otherwise remain hidden. While benefits of analytics are agreed by senior management of most enterprises, the adoption continues to be limited in most enterprises. As Big Data grows in importance, low adoption rate of analytics will evolve as an “Achilles Heel” .
This session will showcase how to effectively combine analytics and business by embedding data mining and machine learning techniques in a business application with right blend of business context, simplified user interface and new age IT infrastructure. This can significantly simplify sophisticated analytics to make it more accessible to business managers in their day to day decision making process.
Prithvijit Roy is the CEO and Co-Founder of BRIDGEi2i Analytics Solution and has over 14 years of experience in building and leading large Analytics Centers of Expertize. Past experience includes setting up and leading Hewlett Packard’s Decision Support & Analytics Services unit supporting all its businesses & functions globally. Prior to Hewlett Packard, he was part of seed team and leadership building GE’s Analytics center (currently known as Genpact) , a pioneer to India Analytics Industry.
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