droidconIN 2016

The sixth edition of droidconIN

Rohit Pandharkar


Building Android apps for poor internet networks: real 2G/3G networks in rural cities

Submitted Aug 8, 2016

How can a developer make apps to instantaneously run on any real, global, mobile carrier network in a dead simple manner, without changing any code? How to analyze the network traffic and see targeted corrections along with boost estimates. This performance depends upon (but can be easily learnt as building blocks) multiple factors including signal strengths, tower handoffs, and spectrum differences across geographies. Apps can do way better by tweaking a few parameters like idle timeout times, optimizing sdk logs, using good image libraries etc. In the talk, we share how developers can launch products with the confidence that their applications will work in all the network conditions their users experience. Eventually, it is all about app performance, quality and stability. This impacts DAUs and installs. And this in turn hugely impacts user experience and revenues.


Figure out how to capture network traffic on real 2g 3g 4g networks for your app, judst like wireshark and optimize for the performance of apps.


Android phone

Speaker bio

Rohit is an Ex Researcher from MIT Media Lab, Boston. He heads the HeadSpin India platform business, which provides network testing infra to Facebook, Google, Apple, etc. alongwith large Indian apps as well. He is an expert in mobile network optimization and can neutrally speak about mobile app issues . HeadSpin team has aggregate exoerience of resolving network issues in apps with billions of users across 100+ countries on the globe.[this is a non-promotional educational/ knowledge sharing talk]


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