droidconIN 2016

The sixth edition of droidconIN

Anirudh S


Building your next Android app in React Native

Submitted Aug 9, 2016

As developers, it is very important for us to be on the lookout for frameworks, libraries & other tools that will help improve our work. React Native is an upcoming framework that attempts to solve multiple problems at once. Reusable code across Android & iOS, faster build times, established development patterns like React make React Native something worth exploring and understanding.

If you’re an Android developer, come to see what it takes to build your next Android app in React Native. If you’re a Web developer instead, you’ll get a quick peek into building Android apps with JavaScript, without having to worry about Java & native Android components.


React Native is a growing platform and it may or may not make sense for you to jump into it right away. We will begin this talk by exploring when it makes sense for you to build an app in React Native

Then, we will discuss how to migrate your Android development knowledge to React Native:

  • Different mental model: How React Native renders and why its important
  • Individual components: Android views vs React Native components
  • View controller logic: Activities & Fragments vs Pages & Routes
  • Networking
  • Storage
  • Build times: Gradle builds vs React Native’s instant builds

We will take an example app written in both, Android & React Native and discuss the pros & cons of React Native.

We will also briefly discuss the effort involved in porting your existing Android app to React Native and also see how React Native enables code sharing between Android & iOS.

By the end of the talk, you will have a first-hand experience of understanding how an app is built with React Native and you’ll be more empowered to decide if React Native is suitable for you.


Good knowledge of Android development (Android developer) or decent knowledge of building web apps with React (Web developer)

Speaker bio

I have been part of the Mobile development scene since 2011, since his time with WordPress on their Android app as part of the Google Summer of Code program. I at Microsoft in the Visual Studio team where he also wrote a few hobby Windows Phone apps.

I went on to take my mobile development hobby full-time, by joining Tenmiles as a Mobile developer. I worked on a couple of Android apps and also maintained HelpStack, an open source Android & iOS library.

Recently, I joined Hasura as a Senior Mobile Platform Engineer where I work on Android & iOS apps and also write SDKs. Overall, I am experienced in Android, iOS and Windows Phone and also familiar with React Native.

  • Will upload soon




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