droidconIN 2016

The sixth edition of droidconIN

Yash Prabhu


A Material Design guide for Android Developers

Submitted Aug 10, 2016

Are you a developer who has heard of Material Design but are not sure where to get started? Have you wondered how apps like Google Play and Youtube do fancy animations, beautiful colors, and papercraft effectively? Fret not! This talk will bridge the gap between Google’s Material design documentation and the Android developer documentation and help you get started on building or revamping your app to follow Material Design guidelines.

We will look at code samples and learn how to make use of AppCompat and Design Support libraries so that you can implement UI elements that are commonly used across Android apps all the way back to Android Eclair (2.1, API Level 7). Along the way, we will also learn more about useful resources that will help you envision and build apps that look and feel “material”.


This talk is for beginners as well as seasoned developers. It’s intended to get people started on their material design journey. I will provide tons of resources that helped me while rebuilding my company’s Android app. I will also provide code samples with corresponding gifs. For example, how can I make sure an image collapse into the toolbar when I scroll up? I most recently gave this talk at 360|AnDev and AnDevCon Boston https://speakerdeck.com/yprabhu/andevcon-boston-2016

Speaker bio

Yash Prabhu leads the Android team at DramaFever (a Warner Bros. company) and has been developing Android apps since 2010. She has spoken at several Android meetups and conferences over the past three years. In her spare time, she volunteers at Girl Develop It Philadelphia, Code For Philadelphia and Google Developers Group Philadelphia as a teaching assistant, instructor, mentor and organizer.




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