droidconIN 2016

The sixth edition of droidconIN

Harshit Bangar


AutoValue Extension

Submitted Aug 10, 2016

Supporting value type is hard in Java. In this talk I will be talking about autovalue and extensions which makes android development much more pleasent.


To write a value type in Java it needs 40 lines of code plus 10 lines of code for each field. It is tedious and error prone as while updating the model toString(), equals() are often missed. In this talk I am talking about auto-value extensions. I will be showing how easy is to reuse same model when changing the underlying network layer like Gson or Moshi.


None. Some understanding of annotation processing (JSR-330) will help.

Speaker bio

Currently working in Uber, previously I have worked at Amazon, Kiwi and tried running my own startup. I am always excited about new shiny languages such as Swift, Kotlin and love to talk about pros/cons and how to make development process easier.




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