droidconIN 2016

The sixth edition of droidconIN

Chinmay V S


Writing Safety-critical code

Submitted Aug 9, 2016

  • 2014: Android/Linux runs on everything from personal computing devices to servers.
  • 2015: SmartBands to monitor your body.
  • 2016: Self-Driving cars.
  • 2017: Wireless pacemakers and Nanobots for diagnosis and medicine delivery.

With machines taking over a huge part of human life, the importance of the software running on them cannot be stressed enough. In a world where stack-overflows or unhandled exceptions have the potential to cause human fatalities, developers can no longer “move fast and break things”. Or can they?...

In an “AGILE” world of sprints and scrums, this talk discusses proven
Best practives to deliver Reliable Safe software on time.


  • The Software “V model”.
  • What is Functional Safety? - ISO26262 (extending the V-Model).
  • Best practives for Safety in Design, Development and Testing (includes tool recommendations).
  • How to fit all this in the AGILE workflow?
  • Safety Audit of a real-life project.


Genuine interest in Software Engineering best practices.

Speaker bio

  • An Intacs™-certified ISO 15504 Automotive SPICE® Provisional Assessor.
  • Spent more than a decade of hacking embedded systems with BASIC, VB, C, Android and the Linux-kernel.
  • Lead a team of 4 in developing Driver Monitoring and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems(ADAS).
  • Currently @ NVIDIA System Software Engineering.


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