droidconIN 2016

The sixth edition of droidconIN

Yash Prabhu


Adapting to growing multi-panes

Submitted Aug 10, 2016

The good part about developing for Android is that you can write one app which can run on thousands of devices like phones, tablets, wearables or TVs. The confusing part? Figuring out the right combinations to make sure your app runs on all screen sizes, densities, resolutions and orientations.

In this talk, we will focus on how to use the right combinations of resource, size and orientation qualifiers, making use of density independent pixels (dips), scaling images, using design breakpoints to manage content on your screen, and optimizing your UI flows by making them more adaptive and responsive. We will also touch on multi-window support which was introduced recently in Android N.

This talk is for beginners as well as seasoned Android developers and will help you understand the best practices in supporting multiple devices.


This talk is for all levels of Android developers. Often times, developers take the easy way out by developing only for portrait orientations on phones and landscape orientation on tablets so that they don’t have to deal with different layouts on different screen sizes. In this talk, I will guide the audience to make use of the fabulous Android resource system that lets developers design responsive layouts while using material design guidelines. Most recently, I talked a little bit about breakpoints at 360|AnDev and AnDevCon Boston as part of a different talk https://speakerdeck.com/yprabhu/andevcon-boston-2016

Speaker bio

Yash Prabhu leads the Android team at DramaFever (a Warner Bros. company) and has been developing Android apps since 2010. She has spoken at several Android meetups and conferences over the past three years. In her spare time, she volunteers at Girl Develop It Philadelphia, Code For Philadelphia and Google Developers Group Philadelphia as a teaching assistant, instructor, mentor and organizer.


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